Press Releases
The CPC CISFC Committee Held the 2024 Work Conference on Comprehensive and Strict Party Self-governa




    On February 2, the CPC CISFC Committee held the 2024 Work Conference on Comprehensive and Strict Party Self-governance. At the Conference, attendees profoundly studied and implemented the spirit of important speeches delivered by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Central Financial Work Conference, and the Special Seminar of Leading Cadres at Provincial and Ministerial Levels on Promoting High-quality Financial Development, implemented the arrangements of the Party Committee of the National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA) for comprehensive and strict Party self-governance, summarized the work conducted regarding comprehensive and strict Party self-governance in 2023, analyzed existing problems, and made arrangements for tasks in 2024, thus advancing its comprehensive and strict Party self-governance in depth. Ji Yuhua, the Secretary of CPC CISFC Committee and Chairman attended the Conference and gave a speech. Zheng Lei, CPC Committee Member and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee gave a special report. Zhang Li, Deputy Secretary of CPC CISFC Committee and General Manager, presided over the meeting. Relevant responsible persons from the General Office and the Institution Recovery and Resolution Department of the NFRA were invited to be present. CPC Committee members of Dajia Insurance Group attended the meeting.


    It was pointed out at the meeting that the CPC CISFC Committee strictly implemented the work arrangements of the Party Committee of the NFRA for comprehensive and strict Party self-governance and constantly advanced comprehensive and strict Party self-governance in depth by adhering to the major principle of being strict in 2023, thus giving play to the comprehensive and strict Party self-governance of guiding and supporting the work of CISFC. First, CISFC adhered to and reinforced the CPC Central Committee’s centralized and unified leadership, unswervingly upheld “Two Establishes”, and resolutely fulfilled “Two Upholds” and implemented the political task of preventing and diluting financial risks. Second, CISFC perseverely coagulated the heart and cast the soul with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, studied, publicized and implemented the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, steadily conducted themed education, and firmly grasped the initiative in ideological work. Third, CISFC thoroughly implemented the Party’s organizational line in the new era, selected and appointed cadres in a standardized manner, reinforced talent team building, enhanced supervision and management, and stimulated them to assume responsibilities. Fourth, CISFC promoted the development of work practices in a persistent way, strictly implemented the guiding principles of the Eight-Point Regulation of the CPC Central Committee, profoundly corrected and rectified the “Four Forms of Decadence”, and promoted routine and long-term development of work practices. Fifth, CISFC unswervingly fought a persistent fight against corruption. Sixth, CISFC continued to refine the mechanism of “coordinated four responsibilities” for comprehensive and strict Party self-governance. Seventh, CISFC defined the entity responsibilities of the Party Committee of Dajia Group.


    It was emphasized at the meeting that CISFC will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in 2024, comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and profoundly study and implement the important thoughts of the CPC General Secretary Xi Jinping on the Party’s self-revolution, and resolutely implement the strategic guideline of comprehensive and strict Party self-governance. CISFC will profoundly comprehend the decisive significance of “Two Establishes”, boost “Four Awarenesses”, corroborate the “confidence in four aspects”, and fulfill “Two Upholds”. In accordance with the arrangements of the Party Committee of the NFRA for comprehensive and strict Party self-governance, CISFC will profoundly grasp the idea of a political and people orientation towards financial work, constantly refine the system for comprehensive and strict Party self-governance, and deeply advance comprehensive and strict Party self-governance, a clean and honest administration, and the fight against corruption. CISFC will adhere to the strict main principles, strict measures, and strict atmosphere for a long time to guide and support high-quality development of all business types of CISFC with new achievements made in comprehensive and strict Party self-governance.


    It was required at the meeting that comprehensive and strict Party self-governance shall be promoted in depth with a priority of being strict. First, CISFC will adhere to the guidance of political construction of the Party, unswervingly implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council for preventing and diluting financial risks and the work requirements put forth by the Party Committee of the NFRA. Second, CISFC will thoroughly conduct remediation of problems identified from the inspections of the Party Committee of the NFRA and enhance the conversion and utilization of remediation achievements. Third, CISFC will implement the construction of conventional industries integrated with new technology, new industry, new business form, and new model in a centralized manner. Fourth, CISFC will strive to make the cadre team cleaner, more professional, and more effective. Fifth, CISFC will adhere to the principle of being strict to further improve Party conduct and enforce Party discipline. Sixth, CISFC will resolutely win the persistent fight against corruption. Seventh, CISFC will continue to refine the supervision system for comprehensive and strict Party self-governance. Eighth, CISFC will strongly promote the Party building of Dajia Group and comprehensive and strict Party self-governance. Specific requirements have been put forward at the meeting for the Party Committee of Dajia Group to promote comprehensive and strict Party self-governance, and guide and support the Group to transform and defuse risks with high-quality Party building to achieve high-quality development.



